Don't take one of the most critical steps in home or commercial construction, concrete, for granted... Trust Brak-Hard Concrete to do this right, on time, with a quality finished project by means of quality people. We Do It Right... Not Over...We guarantee you'll be very satisfied with our products and workmanship, because we care about getting the job done right the first time. We are insured and provide that proof to you. ANYONE that works on your home or business should be required to provide this to you.
People are very busy in these times. They don't have the time to "baby-sit" their contractor. You want a contractor that has a proven track record of both getting started and finished, doing it right the first time and doing a quality job. Our company has that reputation. . Furthermore:
You Can Rest Comfortably Knowing…We provide our clients the “Information” they need to make an informed decision about the concrete project they are undertaking, in a Clear, Concise, Professional Manner, with a firm price. In Other Words…
We Provide Our Clients True “Peace of Mind” when it comes to choosing a Concrete Contractor in Southwest Kansas that has all projects with an ACI Certified Finisher in Charge. (ACI-AIC)
We Want You Satisfied When We’re Finished… From start to Finish...
Go 2.5 miles west, from the corner of West Beeson & South 14th. Office & Warehouse located on North side of road. Large Concrete Sign in front of Office. All maps (GPS) show our location.